Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Saklar Tekan Elektronik

Minggu,6 April 2014,
By awiejayamedia,
ELECTRONICS PUSH BUTTON SWITCH - When the circuit power is turned on, C1 capacitor charges via the two 470k resistors. When the switch is pressed, the voltage on C1 is passed to directly Q3 to turn it on. This turns on Q1 and the voltage developed across R7 will keep Q1 transistor turned on when the button is released. Q2 is also turned on during this time and it discharges the capacitor.Then the switch is pressed again, the capacitor is in a discharged state and this zero voltage will be passed to Q3 transistor and turn it off. This turns off Q1 and Q2 and the capacitor begins to charge again to repeat the cycle. output is too law in here but u can increase it using the transistor. and also u can used relay with this. its depend on your   application

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